Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday.
from Entertainment News, Latest Entertainment News and Celebrity Gossip Today | Hindustan Times Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday. Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday. Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday. Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday. Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday. Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday. Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday.
from Entertainment News, Latest Entertainment News and Celebrity Gossip Today | Hindustan Times Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday. Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday. Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday. Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday. Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday. Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday. Actor Priyanka Chopra has shared the first photo of her newborn daughter Malti. The baby was born premature and was in the NICU until Sunday.
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